Carlisle Medical Will Be Exhibiting At The 60th Annual Iowa Workers’ Compensation Symposium

National Sales Executive, Marc Libants, will be exhibiting at the 60th Annual IWCAC Symposium at the Downtown Des Moines Marriott from June 16 – 17. Stop by our booth and see how Carlisle Medical can make a difference for you! This symposium is devoted exclusively to workers’ compensation.
For more information about the Annual Symposium click here.
The Iowa Workers’ Compensation Advisory Committee (IWCAC), Inc. is a 53 year old non-profit organization representing multifarious special interest groups concerned with the Iowa Workers’ Compensation Law and the viability of the state system of workers’ compensation administration.
The Committee, incorporated as an Iowa Non-profit corporation in February 1985, currently is composed of seven general member groups representing:
- Labor
- Management
- Insurers
- Agriculture
- Claimant’s attorneys
- Defense attorneys
- Health care providers
Concerned about the lack of understanding of workers’ compensation by those groups most affected by the law, Iowa Industrial Commissioner Harry Dahl initiated the Advisory Committee in 1962 by appointing a nucleus of six interested parties to assist him in sponsoring an educational program. Education remains the principal function of the group.
To learn more about the IWCAC click here.
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