Our October Excellence In Caring Featured Winner Is Chancey Lewis

You know you have achieved service success when you elicit a compliment from an injured worker who has been receiving our pharmacy services for over eight years. We recently received the compliment below, thanks to the ongoing care and assistance Chancey has consistently supplied to this injured worker.
In Chancey’s daily world, taking great care of our pharmacy customers is only one of the many tasks she performs. It is evident from this compliment that Chancey has worked hard to go the extra mile to ensure the claimant’s monthly order is coordinated and shipped on time. She has stayed in frequent communication with him through the years, which has gone far in establishing a great service relationship.
Here is the wonderful statement we received from the injured worker.
“I would like to express my gratitude for the much appreciated help I receive from Chancey! She’s always one step ahead of me on my orders and all my orders! So…thank you for having such a caring and thoughtful worker!”
Thank you, Chancey, for the care you provide to our customers every day!